Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Introduce a Cat to a Pet Dog


    • 1). Place the dog on the leash and find a calm room to settle down in. Wait to begin the introduction until the dog is relaxed.

    • 2). Have an assistant bring the cat into the room while maintaining distance from the dog. If either animal becomes excited, wait a few moments until they begin to relax again.

    • 3). Bring the cat closer to the dog. Let the dog look at the other animal, then have the dog perform a few commands. You can offer the dog a few treats to reward good behavior.

    • 4). Allow the cat to move around while the dog watches. If the dog becomes excited or agitated, repeat the calming and obeying sequences.

    • 5). Have the dog sit or lie next to you. Let the cat come towards the dog and sniff noses. Be careful; retain a tight handle on the leash so that if the dog tries to lunge, you have control.

    • 6). Take a break so that neither animal becomes stressed out. If they don't seem comfortable with each other, it is okay to start over again at a later time.

    • 7). Give the animals supervised time together. Watch them carefully for signs of rough behavior; otherwise, let them interact and get used to each other. Reward the dog with treats for being well-behaved around the cat.

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