Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Comfrey for Dog Skin Infections


    • According to Dr. Christopher's Herbal Legacy, the first recorded use of wild comfrey dates back more than two millennia to ancient Greece, where Dioscorides reported success in treating illness and injury among the armies of Alexander the Great. Later, in the 16th century, Perecelsus wrote about the numerous uses of comfrey in a monastery setting. Joseph Busch, a gardener at the palace of Catherine the Great at St. Petersburg, Russia, was so impressed with the medicinal powers of comfrey that he sent roots to England for cultivation. In the New World, physician Samuel Thomson wrote of his success treating wounds with comfrey. As herbal medicine fell out of favor, Americans lost track of comfrey for medicinal purposes, but with herbal medicine on the rise again, herbalists have rediscovered this powerful healing plant.

    Comfrey Tea

    • Simmer fresh or dried comfrey roots, stems and leaves slowly for at least an hour, and then strain. Use this tea as a rinse, or soak bandages in it to treat your dog's rashes, clean shallow wounds and bruises.

    Comfrey Poultice

    • Pulverize three large comfrey leaves in a blender with just enough water to make the mixture smooth. Thicken with flour. Spread over half of a clean cotton cloth, fold over to form a package, and apply to affected area until dry. Works over your dog's bruises, rashes, clean, shallow wounds or above a fracture site (in addition to, not in place of conventional orthopedic care).

    Comfrey Infused Oil

    • Soak cut comfrey roots, stems and leaves in olive oil to cover for several days. Strain. Apply over your dog's bruises, rashes and clean, shallow wounds.


    • Some herbalists say that because comfrey is high in amino acids and B vitamins, it makes a good addition to a vegetarian diet or to animal feed. But because it is hard to calculate how much comfrey an animal can consume before symptoms of cumulative liver damage appear, it is safest to limit comfrey to external use. Comfrey contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which can cause liver damage if taken internally, in large amounts, over a long period of time. Always sterilize any wounds or rashes to be sure they are clean and free of infection before using comfrey to heal the skin. Comfrey causes fast cell regeneration and can make the wound heal over the infection, forming an abscess.

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