What Are Some Social Factors That Lead to Behavior Problems?
- Lack of balance in social institutions and governmental systems can lead to poverty.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
One of the most difficult social factors facing any person or family is financial challenges. Anyone who lacks basics ,such as food, shelter, clothing and a loving environment, has no foundation upon which to build a fulfilling life. When a family has steady income and resources for all forms of sustenance, the members of the family can sustain well-being at the physical level. Poverty lends itself to enormous challenges that can result in homelessness and hunger, as well as such things as bullying, stealing, fighting, lying, substance abuse and suicide. If you don't have your basic needs met, you may become hopeless, and fear prevails. Removing the causes of fear will help toward more positive outcomes. - Physical abuse can scar a child's heart, soul and mind for life.Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
If a person lives with someone who is addicted to alcohol or narcotics, no one can thrive. Countless problems arise that can take the form of mind games, threats, constant verbal attacks and physical abuse. If you are attacked for any reason, you may be able to control your response; but until the abuser recognizes his own problem, the suffering continues. Children are most susceptible to suffering from mental and physical abuse as they seldom have alternatives. A caring relative might intervene or remove the child, but the issues are much deeper and require professional, compassionate assistance to bring about real, positive and lasting change. - Learning to talk so children listen helps them gain communication skills as well as avoid guilt.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Guilt is a device used to manipulate or control others, but can also undermine your own well-being if you are not aware of its source. People feel guilty because they don't have enough, can't provide for their children, aren't able to live up to another's expectations, lack self-esteem or any of a thousand other reasons. Badgering and blame from institutions, groups or other individuals do not resolve the problem. Making a child feel guilty is one of the most harmful acts anyone can do. Confinement, harsh punishment, beatings and name calling cause lasting pain. Instilling components that lead to self-confidence, self-reliance and trust help assure the child will mature consciously and have a solid foundation toward building a fully functional and happy life. - Helping a child connect with his natural environment will assist in his spiritual growth.Ryan McVay/Lifesize/Getty Images
A chief factor that comes into play in many behavior issues is the lack of a spiritual foundation. Ego takes precedence over spirituality. Anyone who has a solid connection with her deity may turn to that source for help during difficult times. Faith can be a source of support. However, any faith or belief system that teaches fear, hate, guilt and separation, rather than love, kindness, compassion and unity, can be a source of significant trials and frightening behaviors. Dangerous cults have destroyed countless people through lies, deceit and horrors inflicted upon others. Children don't always have a choice in spiritual matters, so it falls upon adults to make wise choices on their behalf. Caring adults can set powerful examples. If love is the desired outcome, love must be the major factor constantly present in life.