Buying a Dog: Pre-Purchase Test
Once you think you've finally found the perfect companion, now what? For starters, you want to be sure you are getting a healthy specimen.
Be sure to inquire as to vaccination and deworming history.
You might be told that all of the "shots" and dewormings have been given.
This might be true, but don't hesitate to ask for, in writing, dates and names of products used.
Your veterinarian can then review this list for completeness during the professional prepurchase exam.
Even before your veterinarian gets involved, you should perform your own prepurchase exam on the prospect.
It is easy to do on site and will help illuminate many problems that might otherwise elude the untrained eye.
Environment For starters, take note of the surrounding environment in which the puppy is being kept.
Does it look and smell clean, or is it filthy, with uncleaned litterboxes or urine and feces lying allround? If the latter is true, you should question the integrity of the seller.
Observe all the individuals in the litter or group.
Do any appear sickly, depressed, or otherwise unhealthy? An infectious disease can run rampant through such a congregation of young dogs, and it could be just beginning to rear its ugly head within the group.
Attitude Now focus your attention on the actual candidate.
Start with overall attitude.
Does it appear active and healthy, or is it lethargic and depressed? Are breathing problems evident? Does it seem friendly and outgoing to people and to the other animals in the group, or does it seem shy and introverted? Dogs destined to be good pets should take an instant fancy to people, and should outwardly display this affection.
At the same time, avoid those individualswithoverbearinganddomineeringpersonalities.
Observehow your favorite treats other members of its group.
Domineering personalities are usually quite evident.
As a general rule, choose one that is "middle of the road"--not too domineering yet not too shy.
Skin and coat Once attitude and personality have been evaluated, check out the skin and coat.
Any fleas or ticks present? How about any hair loss, scabs, or signs of infection? These could be indicators of diseases such as mange or ringworm, both of which can be zoonotic.
Lumps, bumps, or swellings Run your hands over the umbilical area and, on both sides, over the points where the inner thighs connectwiththeabdominalwall.
Doyounoticeanysoft,fluctuant masses? These could be herniations.
Run you hands over the entire body surface, feeling for other types of lumps and bumps.
Note the location of any you find.
Does the belly seem distended (swollen)? If so, it could be full of food, or it could be full of worms.
Check beneath the tail, looking for tapeworm segments and for evidence of diarrhea.
Soiling on and around the hair in this area should tip you off to a potential intestinal disorder.
Otheranatomicalconsiderations Observelegconformation and the way the puppy or kitten walks and runs.
Any obvious deformity and/or lameness should be noted.
In male dogs, check for descent of the testicles.
Both testicles should be present at birth.
If they aren't, be prepared to neuter at a later date, not only for health reasons but also to prevent the passage of this inheritable trait to future generations.
Head region Now focus in on the head region.
Using your eyes and your nose, check the ears for discharges or strong odors (usually a sign of infection).
Both eyes should be free of matter, with no cloudiness or redness.
Compare both eyes, making sure that they are of the same size, and that the pupils are of the same diameter.
Glance at the nose, noting any discharges or crusts.
Finally, look into the mouth.
The gums should be pink.
If they are white, the dog could be anemic.
Look for any severe underbites or overbites, or any missing teeth.
Also glance at the roof of the mouth.
Cleft palate is a serious birth defect, and unless it is surgically corrected, it will lead to secondary aspiration pneumonia and ultimately death.
Be sure to inquire as to vaccination and deworming history.
You might be told that all of the "shots" and dewormings have been given.
This might be true, but don't hesitate to ask for, in writing, dates and names of products used.
Your veterinarian can then review this list for completeness during the professional prepurchase exam.
Even before your veterinarian gets involved, you should perform your own prepurchase exam on the prospect.
It is easy to do on site and will help illuminate many problems that might otherwise elude the untrained eye.
Environment For starters, take note of the surrounding environment in which the puppy is being kept.
Does it look and smell clean, or is it filthy, with uncleaned litterboxes or urine and feces lying allround? If the latter is true, you should question the integrity of the seller.
Observe all the individuals in the litter or group.
Do any appear sickly, depressed, or otherwise unhealthy? An infectious disease can run rampant through such a congregation of young dogs, and it could be just beginning to rear its ugly head within the group.
Attitude Now focus your attention on the actual candidate.
Start with overall attitude.
Does it appear active and healthy, or is it lethargic and depressed? Are breathing problems evident? Does it seem friendly and outgoing to people and to the other animals in the group, or does it seem shy and introverted? Dogs destined to be good pets should take an instant fancy to people, and should outwardly display this affection.
At the same time, avoid those individualswithoverbearinganddomineeringpersonalities.
Observehow your favorite treats other members of its group.
Domineering personalities are usually quite evident.
As a general rule, choose one that is "middle of the road"--not too domineering yet not too shy.
Skin and coat Once attitude and personality have been evaluated, check out the skin and coat.
Any fleas or ticks present? How about any hair loss, scabs, or signs of infection? These could be indicators of diseases such as mange or ringworm, both of which can be zoonotic.
Lumps, bumps, or swellings Run your hands over the umbilical area and, on both sides, over the points where the inner thighs connectwiththeabdominalwall.
Doyounoticeanysoft,fluctuant masses? These could be herniations.
Run you hands over the entire body surface, feeling for other types of lumps and bumps.
Note the location of any you find.
Does the belly seem distended (swollen)? If so, it could be full of food, or it could be full of worms.
Check beneath the tail, looking for tapeworm segments and for evidence of diarrhea.
Soiling on and around the hair in this area should tip you off to a potential intestinal disorder.
Otheranatomicalconsiderations Observelegconformation and the way the puppy or kitten walks and runs.
Any obvious deformity and/or lameness should be noted.
In male dogs, check for descent of the testicles.
Both testicles should be present at birth.
If they aren't, be prepared to neuter at a later date, not only for health reasons but also to prevent the passage of this inheritable trait to future generations.
Head region Now focus in on the head region.
Using your eyes and your nose, check the ears for discharges or strong odors (usually a sign of infection).
Both eyes should be free of matter, with no cloudiness or redness.
Compare both eyes, making sure that they are of the same size, and that the pupils are of the same diameter.
Glance at the nose, noting any discharges or crusts.
Finally, look into the mouth.
The gums should be pink.
If they are white, the dog could be anemic.
Look for any severe underbites or overbites, or any missing teeth.
Also glance at the roof of the mouth.
Cleft palate is a serious birth defect, and unless it is surgically corrected, it will lead to secondary aspiration pneumonia and ultimately death.