Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Dog Training Tricks - Popular Tricks

One of the greatest aspects about owning a dog is being able to train it to perform various tricks and follow verbal commands.
There are a multitude of tricks that dogs can learn, from simple verbal commands to dog show-standard actions.
Teaching your dog tricks is not only a fun and rewarding process, but creates a bond of friendship between you and your canine companion, and it's overall a great way to spend time with the animal.
In this article, we'll take a look at some popular dog training tricks, as well as some good methods for teaching your dog effectively.
There are lots of verbal commands that are popular for dog owners, such as sit, stay, and lie down.
However, these don't really qualify as tricks - we define tricks as commands that aren't necessarily useful for anything but fun, although teaching them to your dog is certainly well worth the time.
Popular tricks include speak, jump, play dead, and roll over.
Speak is a command given to get the dog to emit one sharp bark.
Jump is somewhat obvious, play dead should make the dog roll over onto its back, and roll over will have the dog go all the way around.
These dog training tricks are only a few of the many people have learned to teach their dogs.
There are a few ways to have your pooch pick up some dog training tricks, but the best way is simple persistence.
You can move your dog's body physically or even show him what to do with your own body, and always praise your dog after a successful trick.
You can even give them a small treat to encourage them.
Sometimes, training clickers are used, because it helps the dog associate the action they were doing at the exact time of the click with the treat reward that comes with it.
If you want to train your dog to do something more complicated, a clicker is a good choice.
Once you've gotten your dog started learning dog training tricks, they will start to pick up on your training methods and more easily learn when you try to teach them.
This is especially true if you use a clicker, because they associate the presence of a clicker with learning, and will be more willing to try and work with you if the training clicker (and, by proxy, treats) is present.

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