Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Train a Border Collie - 3 Mistakes to Avoid

If you want to learn how to train a Border Collie efficiently and effectively you need to know the pitfalls to avoid.
It seems easy enough to wake up one morning and decide today is the day to start dog training, but without doing some research you're heading for failure.
Even though you think you can launch into dog training, your Border Collie may not agree with you.
It is one thing to be keen and want to get on with the job but it is another thing altogether to get your dog to understand what you want him to do.
When you are learning how to train a Border Collie you also have to take into account that your dog may outsmart you.
I don't mean that he will be so clever that he decides to play Devil's advocate just to thwart you, or that he will do the training tricks the first time you teach him.
What I mean is that your dog may be interpreting your training in an entirely different manner and therefore destroy the efficiency of your method.
If your method of dog training turns out to take more than a few days for the dog to catch on, then there is no chance your patience will last long enough to complete the task.
You need to train your Border Collie efficiently and effectively, that is to say, you want to achieve the desired result in the shortest time possible using several short sessions per day.
Here are three common mistakes to avoid when your training your Border Collie:
  1. Don't underestimate the value of research prior to commencing dog training.
    Don't shortcut the process just to have to spend more time in the long run when your dog doesn't respond to your inadequate training.
  2. Don't just use the first technique you learn about.
    Choose the correct technique to achieve the desired result.
  3. Don't change the method for a specific training trick part way through the training because this will confuse your dog.
If you avoid these pitfalls you will achieve results faster and get great satisfaction seeing your dog respond to your commands.
Border Collies are extremely loyal and they like to please their owner.
This means it is up to you to take advantage of these qualities in order to get great training results with minimum effort.
If you put a little bit of effort into the training, your dog will respond better and you'll both appreciate the end result.

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