Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Acupuncture Treatments For Your Dog

Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese art of treating conditions that affect the body by using carefully-placed needles.
This therapy is now being practiced all over the world, and many people claim to have gained great benefits from undergoing the treatment.
Even today no one has really figured out why the procedure works the way it does, but even without scientific fact behind it, there are enough people to testify to its benefits that we can't completely discount the possibility that it is a viable treatment for pain and disease.
Have you ever stopped to think if it's possible to do successful acupuncture treatments on pets? After all, pets can have many of the same conditions that plague humans, such as arthritis.
Of course, most pet owners are even touchier about health issues that affect their pet than they are about themselves and want to make sure their "baby" gets only the best care.
By reading the following information, you will get a better idea as to whether it might be a good solution for your pet's ailments.
Can Pets Be Cured with Acupuncture? There are several schools of thought when it comes to the appropriateness of acupuncture for pet therapy.
The same people who don't believe the procedure works on humans will tell you that it doesn't work on animals, either.
Other people contend that acupuncture was developed for people and that it isn't the right method of treatment for dogs and cats.
Actually, most of the theories on acupuncture for pets is mere conjecture, because no one really knows how successful the treatment is on pets.
There are relatively few documented cases of the practice which could be because it has been tried without success.
There have been cases of acupuncture therapists who have performed the therapy on pets, but that isn't to say that the procedure actually did the pets any good.
Even though it is known to work on humans, there's just no proof that it does anything at all to help animals.
If we subject a beloved pet to a treatment, can we know if we've really helped him, or have we just hurt him by sticking needles into inappropriate places? Most pet owners would not want to take that chance.
There is a group of people who believe that the same pressure points found on human beings can be found on dogs and cats, too.
These people contend that animals have a source of energy, such as the Chi that humans have, and that all of their pain stems from that source.
If this is the case, then it's possible that acupuncture could work.
There are those practitioners who claim to have had successes on dogs and cats, but how does anyone really know? You can watch your pet's behavior afterward, but it's not like he can tell you how he feels and if the procedure did him any good.
At some point in your pet's life, you may consider acupuncture.
After all, if it's a question of putting him to sleep because he's suffering so badly from arthritis or having the procedure done, it may seem like a better idea than it does now.

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