Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Dog Anxiety Treated By Thunder Shirts

Thundershirt is a patent pending design that treats dogs for anxiety, fearfulness or over excitement.
The shirt provides a gentle, constant pressure around the dog's middle.
This gives the dog a feeling of security like being cuddled.
A sense of comfort comes from this gentle touch which, in turn, provides a calming effect on your dog when he is anxious, fearful or over excited.
This pressure shirt is recommended by thousands of veterinarians and dog trainers.
Using pressure as a relief mechanism has been used for many, many years.
  • Children are comforted by a warm hug when they are frightened by thunder or their imaginations.
  • Babies are routinely swaddled to maintain their comfort level.
  • Children with behavioral disabilities are given weighted vests to help them relax.
A soft gentle massage on a person's back relieves tension and the person relaxes his muscles consequently improving his sense of calm and wellbeing.
The same is true for our pets.
A backrub is something appreciated by our dogs, too! In addition,
  1. Dog trainers use pressure to relieve anxiety in dogs.
  2. Veterinarians use pressure to settle the nerves of cattle.
  3. Blankets are used on horses to add security as well as warmth in cold temperatures.
Take note of how your dog reacts to noise like storms, lawnmowers, cars honking or other animals, especially dogs.
Does your dog cower in a corner or suddenly head straight for his bed, or hide behind a chair or table? Does he shake, growl or bear his teeth perhaps when you take him out for a walk or a ride in your vehicle? Does he run around in circles when you are getting ready to leave for work or crate him for the day or night? These are the occasions to use the pressure of the dog shirt as a calming mechanism.
No training is necessary.
The wrap around shirt provides the first real option for owners to buy a product that gives their dog comfort from their anxiety or fearfulness.
It can be bought at a reasonable price increasing the availability for more people to provide that needed comfort and calm to their pets.
Because of its favorable price, this shirt is changing the behavior of thousands of dogs.
The shirt can be worn by dogs of all sizes and types.
Just state the weight of the dog to get the right size for your pet.
Introduce the shirt to your dog before putting it on.
Try putting some dog snacks on the shirt to familiarize your dog to its presence.
The shirt is durable and washable.
You may find that putting the shirt on your dog as soon as you notice anxious behavior beginning, is the best way to change or modify your dog's behavior.
Over excitability can be addressed with the Thundershirt as part of learning a new training exercise or an exercise routine like walking or greeting strangers.
For severe cases of anxiety, consult your dog trainer on how best to integrate it in your dog's training program.
A large percentage of dogs react favorably very quickly to the pressure of this shirt.
It's an easy, affordable solution to refocusing your dog to learn a new calm behavior pattern.

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