Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Raw Diet for Chihuahuas

    Raw Bones

    • Processed foods are bad for chihuahuas' oral health. Since they have overcrowded teeth, they are prime candidates for plaque and periodontal disease. Processed foods can get stuck along their gumlines and cause health complications.

      The BARF diet consists of bones and raw food. Raw bones are great for cleaning teeth and providing protein and vitamins to your chihuahua, keeping his mouth clean and disease-free. Don't give your chihuahua a small bone, since these pose a severe choking hazard.

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    • Chicken, lamb, veal, beef and fish are great choices to include in a raw diet. Vegetable such as carrots and proteins such as eggs are also good. Avoid onions and garlic, since they are toxic to canines.

    Make the Food

    • When making your own raw food, there are three key elements; protein, starch and vegetables. Mix one from each group to create a well-rounded, nutrient-rich food for your chihuahua. Try combinations such as chicken, noodles and carrots. Starches and vegetables can be boiled or steamed before feeding--just make sure the meat is left completely raw.


    • Raw feeding is one of the healthiest diets for chihuahuas because it caters to their specific dietary needs. A raw diet can improve you chihuahua's skin and tooth condition, increase his stamina and aid digestion.

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