Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Tips to Make a Shy Dog More Sociable

Dogs are naturally sociable pack animals, but a pet who's nervous or even stand-offish around other dogs isn't a bad dog.
They're probably just not used to being around a large number of four-legged peers or have doubts about their role in a specific situation.
Training a dog to be relaxed and confident in social situations is easiest when you start training your pet from an early age.
1) Scan the park before you enter.
If a group of canines is heatedly playing at the entrance, wait until they break up.
It's best to get a calm, smooth start when walking into a dog run, or other group situation.
If your dog gets overwhelmed immediately, they won't enjoy their time socializing.
2) Watch what your dog is doing and pay attention to his play style.
If he becomes too crazy and excited, tell him to sit for a moment.
Heated play can quickly turn into a fight.
3) Get involved if the situation calls for help.
Dogs should not always be allowed to work out their own problems.
Just remember-- no body likes a bully, even when they're adorable and covered in fur.
4) Try to coordinate play dates with people and dogs your pet is already comfortable with.
A special friend for your pet can often greatly improve his social skills.
This is also a calm enough environment to give food rewards to your dog and their friend for good socialization.
5) Don't stand in the same location.
Walk around and encourage your pup to pay attention to their surroundings.
6) Don't let other people tell you what's best.
Become familiar with your own pet's responses and movements.
7) Don't bring your pet's extra special home toys to the park.
Resource guarding can often arise in a group situation.
8) Determine whether your pet is getting into social trouble because they're too dominant or too submissive.
Once you've decided, talk to your veterinarian or research dog dominance and submission.
9) Try to make fido more comfortable at home.
Investigate Dog Appeasing Pheromone (D.
), buy a comfortable bed and more toys, or try to crate train your pet.
10) Don't reward your dog if they're very nervous.
Even though you may feel bad for putting your them in an overwhelming social situation, your dog may eventually start to act overwrought on purpose if they associate dramatic behavior with getting food.
Turning away from an unpredictable situation and appeasing your dog with physical comfort are the best courses of action.

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