Chin Acne on a Canine
- Chin acne caused by accumulated oils from dog food building up on plastic food bowls is very common. The quick fix for this is to change to a dog dish that is porous (such as ceramic), and wash dishes thoroughly and regularly.
- Canine acne caused by allergens can be controlled by the regular administration of over-the-counter or prescription antihistamines such as chlorpheniramine or diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
- Acne caused by the dog’s reaction to a certain drug therapy can usually be reversed quickly by discontinuing the drug therapy. However, in some instances, the side effects of the drug therapy do not outweigh the benefits of treatment, so discontinuation of therapy is not recommended.
- Treatment of canine acne includes keeping the area as clean and dry as possible. Topical applications of astringents, such as witch hazel and rubbing alcohol, are sometimes prescribed to help dry out the area.
- In some cases, the acne becomes infected and will require the administration of oral antibiotics. It is also important to implement proper wound care techniques if the area is ulcerated. This includes the use of topical antibiotics.