Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Extremely Bad Mistakes Many Dog Owners Make

There are very few things in this life that are more of a joy than being a pet owner, particularly if you are the proud owner of a brand spanking new puppy! However, the puppy can bring just as much stress as it can bring joy into the household.
If you start training the right way, you'll be surprised at how quickly you can get your puppy trained to go outside instead of on your rug.
There are a few mistakes, on the other hand, that will absolutely destroy any chance you'll ever have of house training your puppy quickly...
A little known mistake most puppy parents will make when first training them is that they don't take into consideration their puppy's nap time.
When they are sleeping, they have just a good of a chance of mistakenly going inside the house as if they are awake.
Of course, you probably don't want that to happen, so it is in your best interests to have them nap in their crate.
Also, as soon as they wake up, you should bring them outside, as it is natural, just like it is in humans, for them to have to go as soon as they wake up.
Along the same lines, too many owners don't crate train their dogs before they try to house train them.
They don't realize that a puppy can be crate trained in the matter of a few days, at most two weeks, and the convenience of being able to leave your dog alone in the house for a few hours at a time is well worth it.
It will also allow the dog to feel much more comfortable, helping them learn much quicker than if they did not have a crate to call their own.

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