Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Glutathione in Dogs

    Glutathione Defined

    • Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that occurs naturally in a dog's body. It's found largely in the liver, where it helps to keep cells free of damage that might otherwise be caused by waste passing through.

    Function and Role

    • Glutathione supports liver function and inhibits the oxidation process of cells, thus preventing their deterioration.

    Dietary Supplements

    • Dietary supplements are available in the form of chewy tablets and pills. The dosage for these depends on the weight of the dog.

    Glutathione and Acetaminophen

    • Acetaminophen will deplete the level of glutathione in dogs, just as it reduces the number of probiotics and other cells helpful to your dog's body and immune system.

    Glutathione and Zinc

    • An overabundance of zinc in a dog's body is dangerous. It inhibits glutathione, reduces its levels and allows cells to degenerate more easily.

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