Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Be a Dog Trainer in Just 3 Steps

Step one is to realize that being a dog trainer means working with people just as much as it means working with dogs.
As a dog trainer, you spend as much of your time training owners as you do their dogs.
You have to have an incredible amount of patience and empathy for their frustration -- in short, a coach as much as a trainer.
Step two is getting educated.
You don't need a degree to become a dog trainer, but be responsible enough to educate yourself in all of the various methods of dog training before pursuing this vocation.
You should also get some hands-on experience in a controlled environment before offering your services to the public.
Two common ways to get into the business are to apprentice yourself to an experienced trainer, or to enroll yourself in a dog training academy.
Also, educate yourself by attending seminars, reading books, and watching programs like the Dog Whisperer.
There are as many ideas for how to handle dogs as there are dog owners, and you should make a goal of developing a system that works for you.
Keep in mind that each breed has its own quirks, and no one method will work for every dog.
At the academy or a seminar, watch how the experts conduct the training very carefully.
While on a hands-on training in a facility, you can get an overview of basic obedience training, and the different philosophies and strategies that experienced trainers use in a variety of different circumstances.
Being enrolled also exposes you to different instructors, giving you the ability to experience a wide variety of techniques.
Then you can compare them on an experiential rather than theoretical level.
Your goal in this step is to absolutely master basic obedience training.
Only then can you move on to step 3.
Step three is moving out onto your own! Teach in private, join seminars as a speaker rather than a student, or perhaps even join a teaching group or academy as an instructor.
Whether you plan to train dogs full-time or part-time, you can always find a way to fill your schedule as a professional dog trainer.

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