Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Why Do People Make Dogs Wear Clothes?

Dogs wearing clothes is nothing new.
Dogs wearing clothes during winter season is a common sight everywhere.
But now with this growing market, dogs are wearing clothes practically 24X7.
When they are not wearing clothes, they are wearing cool accessories - like sunglasses and bandanas and even hats! And this trend is only growing.
Dogs wearing clothes at all times of the year is definitely something new.
Whether dogs need clothes or not is a very debatable topic.
The advent of online shopping for pet clothing has enabled every pet parent to buy clothing for their pets in just a few minutes.
Winter is coming? The first thing a pet parent will do is to buy dog sweaters online.
For even colder climates, the same pet parent will buy dog jackets online.
However, there are millions of homeless dogs who have no protection from cold climates or harsh sun-rays but they seem to be doing fine.
However, dogs who stay at homes are shielded and protected at every step and hence they are getting used to wearing clothes.
According to vets, making old or weak dogs wear clothes is extremely appropriate.
However, dogs really don't need to go around town wearing sunglasses and hats.
Those can be just termed as a "fancy" of their pet parents.
With more money and more time on their hands, pet parents are making sure that the whole world sits up and takes notice of their pet's wardrobe.
Take the example of celebrity pet models.
These pets are the faces of clothing made especially for pets.
And these models have become celebrities in their own right.
"Louis" is a dog who has been made the "face" of two fashionable pet clothing boutiques in London.
Similarly, there are celebrity cat models advertising clothing for - cats! The industry of the online pet store can be divided into two categories - practical and luxury.
While the first one has always found takers, the latter seems to be overshadowing the first one in recent times.
According to vets "functional clothing should always take precedence over luxury clothing items for pets.
The clothing item should be of benefit to the animal".
Following are a few clothing items which can be clearly termed as practical pet clothing:
  • T-shirts
  • Jackets
  • Sweaters
  • Jackets
  • Hooded t-shirts
  • Panties (For female dogs in heat)
Following are few clothing items which are strictly "luxury" items:
  • Jeans
  • Skirts
  • Trousers
  • Tuxedos
  • Ties

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