Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How Can You Teach a Male Dog to Lift Its Leg to Pee?

    • 1). Avoid neutering the dog at a young age. The instinct to lift the leg may not develop normally in a neutered dog.

    • 2). Praise the dog whenever it lifts its leg to pee. Positive reinforcement is the most valuable training tool for any dog behavior.

    • 3). Allow your dog to socialize with another male dog that lifts its leg to mark territory. The competitive instinct and example from the other dog should help propel your dog to do the same.

    • 4). Train the dog to lift its leg simply by lifting it up yourself with a command, and then rewarding the dog with its favorite treat. Once it lifts the leg on command, start to issue the command when it is going to the bathroom to try and connect the two impulses in its mind.

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