Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Top 8 To-Do-Lists on How to Make Your Dog Stop Barking

Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend.
Oh, I just love this quote.
But most people who own a dog hate this problem; the excessive barking of dog.
And most people do not take the necessary proper action to control this bad behaviour.
Having a dog at home is good, but having a good dog at home is better.
Now, here is the to-do-list on how to make your dog stop barking.
To-do-list 1: Your dog is barking noisily and you want him to stop.
How? Find the reason that cause him to bark.
Most people forget this step.
Maybe there is something out of the window attracts him and maybe he need to eat.
To-do-list 2: Now you have to check your dog's basic needs.
Check for his food and elimination.
You must provide your dog with complete basic needs.
And maybe he is thirsty and bored.
To-do-list 3: Is he barking for fun? On some cases, a dog barks because he just loves it.
Now, you MUST not yell at him.
Yelling to him is just like joining him the excitement of barking.
Just say "sshh" and remember not to yell "sshh".
Instead of saying "sshh" when he is barking, try to say "sshh" when you're calling his name and he is quiet, and soon he will associates "sshh" with the action of quiet.
To-do-list 4: Now you know how to make your dog stop barking.
Then, train him to obey your simple command such as sit down and lie down and also bark.
When he learned to obey you, you will be able to control him during his worst behaviour.
To-do-list 5: Now, he will bark at your command and soon, he will learn to stop barking on your command.
This is a fact.
To-do-list 6: To prevent other reasons for excessive dog barking; make a dog door for easy access or close the shades.
To-do-list 7: Now you know how to train your dog to stop barking.
The next step is, train him to become a good dog.
Put in your mindset that dog is your family and your friend so that you will treat him like a human.
To-do-list 8: Praise him by saying "good" after each of his good action and reward him.
Thank him for his help.
At least it reminds you that it keeps you safe.
Keep training him to obey you everyday and remember to thank and reward him.
He just loves that.
Another extra info, citronella no-bark collar is recommended for your dog, but don't use shock collars.
It is not a good idea.
A small amount of citronella can stop him from barking because he hates it.
My advice is, use a natural way as above.

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