Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Summer Dangers for Dogs - Summer Safety Tips for Dogs

Summer dangers for dogs are plentiful.
And with Summer in full swing, that means we need to pay a little extra attention to details in order to avoid these potential dangers to our pets.
During the summer months many of us enjoy lots of fun outdoor activities including picnics, barbecues, poolside parties, July 4th fireworks, and the list goes on and on.
For those of us owning dogs, we want our pups to be able to enjoy in the festivities too.
But before you head out on your next event, let's review some of the possible threats summer activities may pose for our dogs.
Summer Dangers for Dogs
  • Picnics & Barbecues: There are certain foods that are completely safe for us but not necessarily safe for our dogs, like chocolate, onions, apple cores, raisins, grapes, and even the artificial sweetener xylitol.
    Also, fattening foods like fried chicken, french fries and hamburgers, could cause a pancreatic attack in your dog.
    It's best to prepare something special for your dog in advance and take to the picnic or just take along your dog's favorite dog food and treats.
    You also need to be mindful of the dangers charcoal and lighter fluids impose, plus all the disposable items like plastic forks, styrofoam cups, etc...
    that could lead to gastrointestinal problems and blockage if ingested!
  • Ample Shading: Our outdoor activities are usually planned on sunny days, but remember dogs not fair as well in the heat as we do.
    Make sure to take along a sun umbrella, pop-up tent, or provide some time of shade for your dog.
    Also make sure your dog stays hydrated with plenty of fresh water to drink during the day.
  • Water Safety: If your outdoor summer plans include being around a pool or lake or any other type of water, be sure you are supervising your dog's activity.
    Many people think all dogs can swim but even if your dog is an excellent swimmer he can drown just by becoming too exhausted to swim or to keep his head above water.
  • Fireworks: Who doesn't like to watch a black sky light up in a burst of color? Uh, your dog, that's who.
    Most dogs freak out over the loud noises and bright lights from fireworks.
    It's best to keep you dog safe indoors during this activity.
    If your dog isn't afraid of fireworks or you can't get him back home during this event, be sure to keep him on leash and make sure he doesn't come in contact with lit or unlit fireworks.

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