Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

The Best Diet For Your Dog - The Combo Diet

For numerous years dog owners have been warned against feeding their dogs table scraps.
We have heard time and time again that human food can make our dogs sick and unhealthy, well the new "in thing" in doggie nutrition is the combo diet.
As you may have probably guessed from the name, the combo diet is essentially a combination of your dog's regular dry dog food and some human food.
The perfect combo diet meal is half dry commercial high quality dog food, one quarter meat and one quarter fruits and veggies.
The idea behind providing a combination diet is that while high quality commercial dog foods are great for your dog, they may lack a few vitamins and nutrients only found in human foods.
Adding some fresh human food to your dog's diet will ensure your dog is getting the minerals and vitamins he may be lacking from his dry food.
Another advantage of the combo diet is that it is perfect for growing puppies because they need extra nutrients and protein in their developmental years.
Finicky eaters also do well on the combo diet, fresh food helps tempt them to eat.
All dogs can benefit from the combination philosophy of feeding because imagine how boring it would be if you had to eat the same food every day! Adding some fresh food to your dog's diet will keep him interested and looking forward to his next meal.
You may be wondering if this involves more work for you, well not really.
Adding fresh food to your dog's food is very simple, just add some table scraps from whatever you're eating and that's it! If you're having chicken for dinner, give Fido some, as well as some veggies or fruit you may have on hand.
Experimenting with different foods will ensure your dog is always interested with his food and will help you discover what he likes or dislikes.
The variety will not only keep him keen on his food, it will ensure he's getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals too.
Certain human foods are dangerous for your dog such as chocolate, onions, grapes and raisins; you should never give your dog any of these foods.
Great foods to add to your dog's dry food are hamburger, fish, deboned chicken, cottage cheese, tofu, hard boiled eggs, mackerel, salmon, tuna, raw or steamed carrots as well as any other vegetables or fruit he may find tasty.

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