Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Address a Neighbor Who Is Complaining About Barking Dogs

    • 1). Apologize to your neighbor for the inconvenience.

    • 2). Explain why your dog is barking and what you are doing to stop it. If your neighbor understands the reason for your dog's behavior, he might even be able to offer a solution as to how you can help.

    • 3). Offer a solution that will benefit you and your neighbor. If your dog barks while you are gone during the day, look into doggy day care centers. If you can't afford day care, try getting up earlier and going for a long walk with your dog. Showing your neighbor that you are working on the problem will likely make him more understanding.

    • 4). Ask for advice. Your neighbor might have a solution that you had not thought of.

    • 5). Do not get angry at your neighbor for complaining. If your neighbor is being unreasonable, try your best to talk to him about it, but understand that you might just have to walk away and try again when your neighbor is more receptive.

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