Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Critical Dog Training Commands Every Owner Must Know

Whoever came up with the phrase, "Man's best friend" knew exactly what they were talking about.
A dog is usually fully involved in every aspect of an owner's life.
They can share in all of the ups and downs associated with living in the world, providing for great companionship and friendship.
Of course, like any relationship, there always has to be a rocky road.
For most, that road happens when the owner trains a new puppy.
It doesn't have to be that rocky, however, if the owners just knew a few commands that will make their lives much easier.
Here are a few of those commands.
Let's assume that the new puppy already knows their name.
If they do not, that should be the first thing a new owner should teach.
The next logical command is one of the easiest, which is the command "sit".
It is an easy command to teach, and does not involve any explaining, because it is a natural position for the dog.
Additionally, it can be taught without any understanding on the owner's or dog's part whatsoever.
When teaching this command, remember you must first demonstrate it with a treat instead of trying to teach the words.
Dogs cannot speak human language, so expecting that of them is a lot to ask.
Next, a dog will want to learn the command "stay".
This naturally comes right after the command sit, as it is in the same position, just held for a longer period of time.
It gets a little tricky when you start introducing complex events like distractions that makes the stay command a little harder.

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