Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Stop Your Dog From Peeing In The House

    • 1). First, you want your dog to know it is wrong to pee in the house. This can be accomplished by negative association. You must stick your dogs nose in it every tie he pees in the house.

    • 2). Second, You must reward your dog when they pee in the proper place. You can reward your dog with either treats, love and kind deeds.But let them know you are pleased.

    • 3). Third, Have a routine, take your dog out the same time each day. You must set a pattern for your dog so they are aware what is expected of them. A regular routine is essential.

    • 4). Lastly, having a well trained pet makes for better loving and better enjoyment of your pet. A pet that pees all over house can cause a lot of contention in a family. It can also be very costly if you have to constantly replace flooring.

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