Cat Health Care - Are You Feeding Your Cat Properly?
In order to promote cat health and as a part of cat health care, a healthy diet for your pet is vital. It is incredibly easy to just buy any old pet food from a pet shop or supermarket but cat owners aren't always aware of what is in the food their cats are eating. Cats are carnivores so they n
How to Neutralize Cat Urine on Concrete
Cats provide many benefits including love, entertainment and friendship. However, not all aspects of owning a cat are positive. Cat urine leaves a pungent and unpleasant odor that can last long after you have cleaned it up. Concrete has thousands of tiny pores, which will absorb the urine and trap t
Common Complications in Felines With Spine Injuries
While cats can suffer from many serious health problems, one of the scariest can be an injury to the spine. Damages from spinal injuries can result in paralysis or death. Depending on the nature of the injury, medications can be given or in more serious cases surgery can be performed to treat these
Tuxedo Cats Picture Gallery
Black and white cats are like snowflakes: you'll never see any two with identical markings, but Tuxedos usually have some form of a white "V" on the chest-- very formal and striking. Our May Cats Picture Calendar is dedicated to Tuxedo cats and other black-and-white cats because... we
Types of Hairless Cats
Many people love cats but hate the messes they can leave behind. Though owning a pet can be fun as well as entertaining, the constant hassle of cleaning up cat hair from your home can become aggravating. If this sounds familiar, you may be interested in purchasing a hairless cat. There are several b
Ringworms And Cat Hair Loss
There are various diseases that can cause severe cat hair loss, and ringworms is one of them. Despite its name, there are no worms associated with this condition. Rather, this is a kind of fungal infection that can make the infected area look like a circular worm, thus giving it its name. Almost all
How to Prepare Healthy Cat Food at Home
A healthy alternative to traditional cat food is homemade food. Stews and other foods can be created that will ensure optimal health in a cat. Some holistic veterinarians suggest an all-raw-foods diet, while others suggest a combination of raw and cooked foods. According to Dr. Tracy Lord D.V.M., a
Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Ego is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Although the entry deadline has passed, the judges panel are going through over 400 entries to select 12 semi-finalists. You may help decide the top six contestants, and the ultimate Cutest Cat of 2009.
What Is Wrong With a Male Cat When He Can't Contol His Bowels?
If your male cat is unable to control his bowels, he could be suffering from a serious health condition. If you have an elderly cat, his inability to control his bowel movements may simply be a result of age, and there is no real treatment for this problem. However, if you have a younger cat unable
Cat Allergy Air Purifier - 5 Best Features to Have in Your Purifier For Cat Allergies
If you suffer with a cat allergy, you are more than likely to be allergic to the protein in the cat dander. You know all too well that large amounts of dander can cause itchiness, watery eyes, sneezing, congestion and many other uncomfortable symptoms.
Cat Grooming: Your Responsibilities As a Pet Owner
Keeping your pet nourished and disease-free are top priorities. Aside from keeping your cat's environment clean, you must also consider the proper grooming techniques to ensure its well-being. Cat Grooming techniques that are both efficient and affordable would truly be favorable for you and yo
How to Diagnose Rat Blood Glucose Levels and Kidney Failure
Diabetes and kidney disease are not uncommon illnesses in pet rats and are often related. For example, advanced stages of diabetes can lead to kidney failure in rats. Only a veterinarian can diagnose diabetes or kidney failure by performing blood and/or urine tests. In some cases, veterinarians may
Senior Cats Picture Gallery: Raleigh
If we are very lucky, all of our cats who share our homes will become seniors, and they will share long and happy lives with us. Senior cats are very wise and teach us lessons in acceptance as they stoicly accept their frailties, along with the minstrations of those who love them and are loved by th
A Healthy Diet - The Most Important Aspect Of Caring For A Diabetic Cat
There are a wide variety of cat foods made especially for cat with diabetes on the market. Most of them are sold through your local veterinary, while some of the more uncommon ones may need to be pre-ordered before hand.
GuideCats Picture Gallery: Rozwell
Picture gallery of the cats who help and inspire the Guides at GuideCat Rozwell, pictured here, helps Judding Hedding with her About Phoenix, AZ site.
Rabies Immunization for Cats
Rabies is one of the oldest recognized diseases of humans and animals and is one of the most feared, which makes people willing to comply with laws requiring immunization for cats. Because of this compliance, rabies is uncommon in cats and dogs, although more cats become infected than dogs.
Cats Picture of the Week Gallery: Tessie and Tommy
picture of two kittens
Home Remedies For Cat Urinary Problems
You can address cat urinary problems at home. Find out which home remedies can help resolve this issue.
Older Cats & Weight Loss
As a cat ages, its body goes through changes--some are normal, some are not. If your cat loses a significant amount of weight, it may be time to take your pet to the veterinarian for an examination. There are a variety of reasons for which an older feline loses weight. While a few of these causes ma