Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Dog Cancer Treatment Options

Unfortunately if you are reading this page, your dog is in pain and can't tell you where.
It is sad that such loyal and fierce animals must go through things that no creature should have to endure.
As an owner, you should become more knowledgeable about cancer in your pet, and find out what options you have for dog cancer treatment.
Akin to humans, cancer is the number one killer of older dogs, and over 50% of the deaths every year can be treated if they are found early enough.
Medical studies of cancer in dogs are called veterinary oncology, and vets that specialize in it are called oncologists, the same as humans.
These are the doctors you should seek out of a dog cancer treatment.
You may have heard of cancer, but do you really know what it is? Cells begin to mutate and then grow in abnormal ways that kill good cells.
Cancer is not only one disease, as some attack the skin and blood, while others hit organs and connective tissue as well as bones.
Any system in the body as well as all organs can be a host to cancer.
Among cancers, mast tumor cells don't have any specific appearance to them, but they are easily found with needle aspiration and cytology, or looking at the cells.
This involves a small needle being inserted into the tumor and then the cells that are withdrawn are looked at under a microscope.
Normal mast cells are round and large with dark granules that contain histamines.
The chemicals inside the granules cause itching and swelling as well as redness when they are released into the blood.
When a large amount of granules release their chemicals into the blood, it can cause vomiting and shock as well as stomach ulcers as well as death.
Common breeds that harbor mast cell tumors include Boston Terriers, Bullmastiffs, English Setters and Golden Retrievers.
Of course any dog can be affected, but cases are found more common in these breeds.
Older dogs are normally affected more often, but dogs of all ages and sex can be victims.
If you have ever had a diagnosis of mast cell tumors in your dog, it is very important that they stick to a strict diet of organic or low fat.
This is imperative because cancers feed on sugar and fat.
So far the things you have learned will help you get a good start on your dog's recovery.
Remember that mast cell tumors can be stopped with a full recovery if you catch it in the earliest stages of life.
It is your responsibility to keep an eye on your dog and make sure that their life stays a healthy one.

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