Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Save Your Dog"s Life, Make A First Aid Kit

Dogs have accidents and get sick just like people.
Only they can't do much to help themselves when something bad happens.
That's where you come in.
A first aid kit is something so simple, yet it can do so much.
If your dog gets sick, injured, or eats something it shouldn't, you can save it's life if you had a first aid kit in your house.
In a dog first safety kit, have different types of ointments, medications and treatments.
Also, have a way to use them such as an eyedropper or cotton balls.
Benadryl will help with allergies.
It can be hard to know if your dog is allergic to something until it comes in contact with it and then it may be too late if you don't have Benadryl.
Saline solution can help flush out your dog's eye if debris or something harmful gets in it.
Styptic powder or liquid helps stops bleeding, which may give you time to get your dog to the vet.
Ipecac syrup will help your dog throw up something that it should not have swallowed.
Antibiotic ointment can sometimes help relieve pain and will help prevent infection.
You are not a vet, so you may want to ask your vet for a basic pet first aid lesson before you even encounter a pet emergency.
After all we've all heard better be safe than sorry.
While making a dog safety kit you may want to be sure that you have a first aid kit for the humans in your household too.
Keep first aid kits in your car when traveling because you won't know where the nearest vet or pet hospital is in a strange city.
Dogs are a member of the family too, so make a dog first aid kit and it may keep your dog a member of the family even longer.

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