How to Build a Treehouse for a Cat
- 1). Measure and cut the three 2-by-4 boards down to 5-feet in length. Set aside the three left over sections.
- 2). Mark a triangle on the 24-inch piece of plywood, with 18-inch spans on all sides. Orient the points so they each are located on a side of the square, leaving one side open. This will help with balancing the weight. The tips are the location of each of the three posts.
- 3). Draw a straight line on each point 4-inches long, using the tip of the triangle as the center point, making the line parallel to the edge of the plywood.
- 4). Mount the three anchor brackets to the plywood with the screws, situating them with the inside edge of the bracket on the line you marked at each tip of the triangle: On all sides, a flat side of the board will face inward when mounted and the 2-inch by 4-inch posts run parallel to the sides of the base where they are situated.
- 5). Set a 2-inch by 4-inch by 5-foot post into one of the anchor brackets and secure it in place with the wood screws. Repeat for all three posts.
- 6). Take the piece of cardboard and use it as a pattern to make perches. Hold it up between the three posts and mark it on three sides where the perch will be mounted to the posts. Draw a straight line edge to use as a template to cut the wood pieces to fit this space. Essentially, this creates a triangle approximately 18 inches with three flat ends rather than points.
- 7). Trace the template on two of the pieces of plywood left and cut them out. Leave the plywood scraps in as large size pieces as you can, cutting the board straight up and down to remove the excess, then making the angle cuts to shape the triangle.
- 8). Cut carpet scraps to fit the perches to cover them top and bottom. Fold a piece of scrap over then cut the edges, folding them in and up at the bottom, then over and down at the top last. Staple in place. You can often find carpet scraps at a carpet store, such as used samples.
- 9). Cut six 2-inch slices from the end of one of the 2-inch by 4-inch scraps. Measure up from the floor 2 feet on each post and mark a straight line across the inside of the post. Check for level making sure the three lines create an even surface. Glue and screw the wood slices with the top edge aligned with the line you drew so they are level.
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Set one of the plywood perches on the supports and screw it in place from the top down, so no points protrude through the wood to harm the cat. Now, measure up another 24 inches and repeat this process for the second perch. - 11
Cover the last 24-inch plywood square with carpet and set it on top of the three posts. Orient the front edge of the platform with the edges of the two side posts so that it overhangs at the back and the cat has access to climb up from the perch below. Screw down through the perch into the posts to secure it in place. - 12
Wrap the three posts in carpet and secure in place. If desired, you can leave the posts bare. Lay a piece of carpet over the base however to cover the metal anchors, wrap it down over the sides and secure in place with staples on the underside of the base. - 13
Wrap the bottom section of the posts in sisal rope by twisting in tight loops around the posts, then stapling off the ends. You can make these sisal scratching pads anywhere on the posts you desire. - 1). Create a plywood box by screwing sides onto the 24-inch plywood perch. Cut two pieces 22 inches long, and two pieces 24-inches long. Screw them to the side edges of the base and together at the corners.
- 2). Cut a circular hole in the center of the bottom of the box with the jigsaw. Make the hole from 6 inches to 8 inches in diameter. Large enough to fit your cat through yet small enough to give them floor space inside the box to lay on. You can also locate the hole in one corner.
- 3). Cover the box with carpet scrap and staple in place. Mount the box to the top of the posts as with the regular flat perch.