Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Symptoms That a Cat Has Ingested Mice Poison

    • A healthy happy catcat image by JASON WINTER from

      While mouse and rat poison can help rid a house of pests, if cats ingest it the results can be deadly. The consequences of swallowing such a poison can seriously harm or cause death to a beloved pet. If steps are taken quickly many times a cat can recover; in order to take the correct steps, understanding the symptoms is the key to ensuring proper treatment.


    • Anticoagulant rodenticides are a type of poison used to help get rid of rats and mice. The website Vet Info says, "The poison is a blood thinner and prevents clotting in the body and causes internal bleeding, killing the rodents." The downside to using this poison is that it works on any sort of mammal, making it a hazard around cats. Symptoms of a cat ingesting an anticoagulant poison include bloody feces and urine, as well as nosebleeds and vomiting. They will be lethargic and will appear to have bruises under their skin. Vet Info advises taking the cat to the veterinarian as soon as it is suspected the cat ingested the poison because symptoms can take hours to appear.


    • Strychnine is one of the most deadly poisons a cat can ingest; the results can be fatal if not treated quickly and properly. When used properly, strychnine can help keep rats and moles under control. Cats can ingest the poison two ways, either by eating the bait or by consuming an animal that has eaten it. Symptoms include convulsions, a quick heart rate and difficulty breathing. Because the toxins in strychnine interfere with the neurological system, stiffness and rigidity in the cats movements are symptoms as well. If your cat has consumed strychnine, induce vomiting and get him to a veterinarian immediately, otherwise death can occur.

    Sodium Fluoroacetate

    • Another rat poison known as sodium fluoroacetate can cause serious sickness in felines if it is consumed. Just like strychnine this is poison that can be ingested either directly or by eating an infected animal. Symptoms of such a poison include vomiting, excitement followed by depression and convulsions. The website Know Your Cat suggests inducing vomiting quickly. Take your cat to the vet as soon as possible to ensure proper care is taken.

    Final Notes

    • Cats are notoriously curious animals and will often get into things that can make them sick. If there is any doubt that they have ingested something deadly take them to the vet as a precaution. Inducing vomiting only works if the animal has recently ingested the poison, otherwise it is too far into their digestive tract.

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