Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Cat Behavior - Setting Booby Traps to Discourage Your Cat From Getting Into Your Stuff

When your cat is getting into things he should not, or otherwise acting in ways he should not, what works best to curb those behavioral problems is to make them believe that whatever they do wrong will trigger an automatic response that they do not like.
You also have to do it in ways that your cat, as far as he can tell, does not know it is you doing it.
The couch they used to enjoy clawing is now covered in something they do not like to touch.
Every time they get on the counter a tingle of static electricity tingles under their paws, or a stream of water hits them in the rear.
The following is a list of booby traps that will help to discourage cats and help you and kitty live together in harmony: - Covering areas you do not want your cat to touch using double-sided tape, plastic, or foil is a good plan.
An electric mat called a Scat Mat, which is available in pet supply stores, and gives off a slight shock, is great for furniture and countertops.
- Try squirting your cat with a squirt bottle, or setting off compressed air in a can (with or without the horn).
You can loudly shake pennies in an empty soda can, or squeaky dog toy, a noise which cats do not like (you probably will not be able to use this if you have a dog, because they like the noise).
All of these techniques will work to stop your cat in the middle of a bad act, and will convince him that doing it again is not a very good idea.
- Setting wooden mousetraps give your cat the message about being where he should not.
Get a few mousetraps that are not pre-baited, and set them upside down on countertops or in wastebaskets, and with a sheet of paper over them.
The devices, when set like this, will not hurt or trap your cat, but will startle him.
After he bumps a trap, it will close with a sharp crack, helping to convince your cat that the area you have booby-trapped should be left alone.
- Coating something that you do not want your cat near with Tabasco sauce or Bitter Apple is another form of booby-trapping that works.
You do not need to use much, as cats have keen senses of smell and taste.

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