Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Homemade Dog Food Ideas

Thankfully it seems as if everyone trying to live a healthy lifestyle.
For some it may also include their dogs too.
Many people are trying to eliminate chemicals and preservatives and consume only clean natural foods.
They feel that this should also pertain to their dogs as well.
Though there are many organic and natural dog foods on the market today, food for dogs is not regulated as people food is.
A few years back there was a dog food on the shelves that unfortunately had something added to it that proved to be toxic to canines.
Many dogs died before the food was removed from the shelves.
Dog owners are now taking to preparing homemade dog food so they know exactly what is in the food they are feeding their beloved animal.
Wondering what may be involved in the preparation of homemade food for dogs? Read on.
Basically when making dog food at home it is important to provide a proper combination of starches, protein, and vegetables.
Before beginning, always contact your dog's veterinarian first.
Though the food is void of chemicals and preservatives, your veterinarian may suggest other nutrients that need to be added to ensure your dog's health and well being.
It is extremely important not to skip this step.
Dog food is comprised of usually 40% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and 30% vegetables.
It is important that you follow this guide when preparing the dogs food.
It is also important to use quality ingredients.
Many expert veterinarians will support the fact that the quality of ingredients used in commercial dog food is sub par.
If you are using less than high quality ingredients for the preparation of your homemade dog food, you might as well use the dog food on the store shelves.
Your sole purpose would be to provide your dog with a cleaner and better diet than that.
There are various combinations that you can prepare to present to your dog.
Ground beef or turkey, rice, and carrots is one that most dogs seem to truly enjoy.
You can also try ground lamb, brewers yeast, whole grain rice, and spinach.
Both of these examples provide a well balanced homemade doggie diet.
You may also want to use different pasta, rice, and potatoes for your dog's carbohydrate percentage.
Dogs even seem to enjoy oatmeal as a replacement for starch as well.
It may take a bit of time to see what combination of food your dog enjoys.
Once you find one combination, keep trying others as they will receive different nutrients from different foods.
Also remember to keep the pieces of food comparable to the size of the canine.
If the food is too small, they will not get the proper use of ripping and tearing with their teeth.
That can ultimately cause dental issues in the future.
On the flip side, you do not want pieces that are too large.
The obvious reason being choking, so keep the size proper for them at each meal.
Making homemade food for the dog you love is a personal choice.
Many individuals own a dog who is healthy that consumes commercial dog food on a regular basis.
Do your research, ask your veterinarian his or her opinion, and proceed from there.
Good luck!

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