Your Food Is Good for Your Pet Too
Experienced dog owners know that choosing the right diet for their pet is most essential in dog's health.
So they give the best commercial dog food ever.
These dog foods are complete with vitamins and nutrients which is enough to provide the dog's nutritional needs hence, choosing this over table scraps is the best option.
These days, however, when the prices of commercial dog foods rise up, some pet owners who are tight of budget resort to home cooking.
Home cooking is not bad but the pet owner should know what human foods are okay for their pets to avoid any health problems.
Here are some human foods that can provide nutrition and gives variety to your dog's daily diet.
Rice is good for dogs.
Rice is a very rich source of carbohydrates, phosphorous, calcium and iron.
Rice diet is especially recommended for dogs which have allergies to several foods.
Lean chicken, lamb, pork and beef meat.
Lean meat with no visible fat and no seasonings and preservatives is healthy for dogs.
They contain vitamins that promotes energy metabolism in the body.
Liver is one thing that dog really enjoys.
Other dog owners bake this and make it as a dog treat.
However, dogs should be fed with liver twice in a week.
More than that can be unhealthy for them.
Yogurt and cottage cheese.
Yogurt and cottage cheese are a natural source of calcium.
Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus that helps in the process of digestion.
Eggs when given in small quantities can be a good source of protein.
But remember that it's best given when cooked.
You can feed your dog fruits like apple, pineapple, avocado, banana and papaya.
The benefits we get from fruits are the benefits our pets can get from them as well.
Broccoli, carrots, cucumber, celery, garlic, spinach, parsley, and green beans, squash and sweet potatoes are the top on the list.
These veggies can be served raw or lightly steamed.
With proper balance, preparation and freshness of ingredients, your dog is ready for something wonderful to eat and enjoy.
So they give the best commercial dog food ever.
These dog foods are complete with vitamins and nutrients which is enough to provide the dog's nutritional needs hence, choosing this over table scraps is the best option.
These days, however, when the prices of commercial dog foods rise up, some pet owners who are tight of budget resort to home cooking.
Home cooking is not bad but the pet owner should know what human foods are okay for their pets to avoid any health problems.
Here are some human foods that can provide nutrition and gives variety to your dog's daily diet.
Rice is good for dogs.
Rice is a very rich source of carbohydrates, phosphorous, calcium and iron.
Rice diet is especially recommended for dogs which have allergies to several foods.
Lean chicken, lamb, pork and beef meat.
Lean meat with no visible fat and no seasonings and preservatives is healthy for dogs.
They contain vitamins that promotes energy metabolism in the body.
Liver is one thing that dog really enjoys.
Other dog owners bake this and make it as a dog treat.
However, dogs should be fed with liver twice in a week.
More than that can be unhealthy for them.
Yogurt and cottage cheese.
Yogurt and cottage cheese are a natural source of calcium.
Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus that helps in the process of digestion.
Eggs when given in small quantities can be a good source of protein.
But remember that it's best given when cooked.
You can feed your dog fruits like apple, pineapple, avocado, banana and papaya.
The benefits we get from fruits are the benefits our pets can get from them as well.
Broccoli, carrots, cucumber, celery, garlic, spinach, parsley, and green beans, squash and sweet potatoes are the top on the list.
These veggies can be served raw or lightly steamed.
With proper balance, preparation and freshness of ingredients, your dog is ready for something wonderful to eat and enjoy.