Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

The Process of Potty Training Puppies Can Be Done in About Four Months

The very first thing a new pet owner needs to work on is the concept of potty training puppies can work quickly for any new dog.
First of all a dog is a den animal and really does want to have a clean environment to live in and sleep.
Dogs do not like to be dirty with their own waste material.
So dogs will gladly learn to go outside and do their business away from their home base.
Most puppies can learn to be potty trained within four months.
This will require work and training by you every day.
If you do not work at it everyday the process can take longer.
For a happy pet and a happy owner you need to have your dog learn to use the great outdoors to urinate and defecate.
By the way be sure to get in the habit of cleaning up after your dog.
No one wants to have waste material left in their yard or walking area.
Create a reward system for your puppy.
Only reward good behavior with a treat and verbal signals that you like what they have achieved.
Do not punish your dog for accidents.
This punishment will only confuse them.
Accidents should be over in as little as four months so learn to have some patience.
In the beginning take your puppy outside as often as possible.
There is a good chance they will relieve themselves outside if you take them out often enough.
Take them out first thing in the morning and right before bed time.
Also learn to take them out after every meal.
You will learn how long to wait but in general take them out within fifteen minutes after each meal.
You will learn to adjust your schedule after some time.
Puppies often can become excited and urinate as a sign of emotion.
Again do not punish them for this.
As your dog matures they will overcome this natural behavior.
Learn and use a command system for taking your puppy outside.
Even the simple command of "Time To Go Outside" will alert your dog that it is time to go outside and relieve himself.
You will also learn non-verbal signals from your dog that they want to go outside as well.
So pay attention to your dog and their communication signals as well.
All of these ideas for potty training puppies will work with practice and training.
The more you work at it and do training the faster your dog will learn to go outside and do their business.

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