Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal

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The Labrador Retriever - And Its American History

The Labrador Retriever - And Its American History

There are few breeds among dogs that have achieved the success of the Labrador retriever which has held first place in the most popular American dog stakes for the last 15 years. In excess of 137,000 Labradors are registered with the American Kennel Club. In the novel, Chesapeake, Sir James Michener
How to Train Energetic Dogs

How to Train Energetic Dogs

Dogs love to bark, run and jump. With an excitable dog, however, these activities are unmanageable, making learning even the simplest obedience skills difficult. Many excitable dogs end up in shelters, or worse. Chronic agitation can indicate an underlying medical condition, so consult a veterinaria
Potty Training Your Dog - Mistakes to Avoid

Potty Training Your Dog - Mistakes to Avoid

There are proper techniques to have your puppy potty trained and then there are wrong techniques to use. Knowing what is right and what is wrong is half the battle here.
20 Facts You May Not Know About Dogs

20 Facts You May Not Know About Dogs

Did you know that female dog bites are twice as numerous as male dog bites? Read this and other interesting dog facts in this article.
How to Be a Dog Trainer in Just 3 Steps

How to Be a Dog Trainer in Just 3 Steps

Step one is to realize that a dog trainer is a human trainer, too. Step two is to get educated. Step three is to step out, and get started!
House Training Dogs Requires a Real Understanding of the Dog's Unique Breed

House Training Dogs Requires a Real Understanding of the Dog's Unique Breed

Can you guess what the most challenging thing that they faced was? It was the art of house training their puppies, this was highlighted in the study as the thing most dog owners wished they had gotten right in the beginning.
The Truth Behind Commercial Dog Food

The Truth Behind Commercial Dog Food

Dogs don't get to choose their own diet we do that for them. Our choice of food for our dog depends on our own education of what is best for our dogs, with our information predominantly gathered from TV commercials by pet food companies and vets who recommend certain products because of product
Dog Toilet Training - Fear is the Cause

Dog Toilet Training - Fear is the Cause

Fear can be the cause of many bad habits in your dog. Find out if fear is affecting your loved pet and how to deal with it.
List of Harmful Foods For Dogs

List of Harmful Foods For Dogs

What you leave lying around on the floor at home or outside might not give you any pause for reflection, but it can be potentially deadly for your dog. See, dogs will literally eat about anything you leave lying around on the floor, regardless of what it is, or even if it isn't edible. This can
Getting a Dog - Some Important Considerations

Getting a Dog - Some Important Considerations

You may think that the decision of whether on not to get a dog is an easy one to make. It is for some people. Others may not realize just what ownership really entails, hence further questions are raised and discussed so as to better enable you to make an informed decision.
Raw Diet for Chihuahuas

Raw Diet for Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas have naturally sensitive digestive systems and overcrowded teeth, making them the perfect breed for raw or BARF (bones and raw food) feeding. Raw feeding has many digestive and oral health benefits that can improve your chihuahua's overall condition.
Cooking Dog Food Recipes - Is It Right For You?

Cooking Dog Food Recipes - Is It Right For You?

If you are a caring and concerned dog parent, then you probably have been doing your share of research on cooking your own dog food, and dog food recipes. The ingredients in commercial dog foods are disturbing.By-products, everyone seems to be talking about them.
The Intelligent And Versatile German Shepherd

The Intelligent And Versatile German Shepherd

The German Shepherd dog is easily one of the most recognizable breeds in the world. Its unique temperament and incredible intelligence mean that this breed now has an international fan club. In one sense this animal has an affable even easygoing nature, however when provoked the animal can quickly b
How to Make a Tiny Cake for a Dog

How to Make a Tiny Cake for a Dog

If the pooch in your life is having a birthday, show your pup how special it is by baking a tiny birthday cake, made especially for the canine palette. There are many foods that are bad for dogs including sugar, chocolate, mushrooms, onions and raisins. Bake your best friend a treat it will enjoy an
The Saucy Chihuahua

The Saucy Chihuahua

Nothing is cuter than a tiny Chihuahua. She is a graceful, alert, swift moving dog with a saucy expression.PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog in the world - 6-9 inches tall and weights between 2-6 pounds.She has a small apple-shaped head with a short pointed muzzle. V
How to Control and Stop Dog on Dog Aggression

How to Control and Stop Dog on Dog Aggression

Stopping aggression in their dogs is an important goal for many dog owners. Aggression between dogs can be scary and could lead to straight out violence and fighting between the two of them. In such a case one or both of the dogs could be badly injured, which, aside from the pain and vet bills, coul
Top 5 Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas

Top 5 Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas

Dog fleas are pests that should be eliminated as soon as possible. Their presence threatens not only the health of dogs but humans as well.
Problems With Early Spay in Dogs

Problems With Early Spay in Dogs

Spay or neuter your dog later in life to avoid serious health image by Michal Tudek from Fotolia.comSpaying or neutering your dog is generally regarded as the best way to control the massive stray-pet population in the United States. But spaying a dog too early can cause...
French Bulldog - Stop Excessive Barking Tips

French Bulldog - Stop Excessive Barking Tips

If you're tired, frustrated, annoyed, or your neighbors complained several times and called law enforcement due to your dog excessive barking problem, then try not to have your emotion influence your thinking.Learn tips to stop your French bulldog barking behavior.
Dog Skin Cancer - Catch it Early Enough to Be Treated

Dog Skin Cancer - Catch it Early Enough to Be Treated

For people who love dogs, your furry friend is like a member of the family. You want to take great care of him and make sure his health is at optimal levels just as you would for your other relatives. Because dogs are covered in hair, you may not immediately notice skin changes or even smaller tumor